Yours Florally
Observing my Immediate Address in the Universe.
This collection started as a preventative coping strategy to identify triggers within my environment that might be making me sicker than I need to be. Yep, Migraines will make you an obsessive-trigger-sleuth! In the process, to my absolute delight, the perpetual nurturing nature of nature and its intricate self-sufficiency turned out to be a fascinating revelation. With the realization that I am the one in nature's debt, I decided to dedicate part of my resources to trying to capture the absolute magic that is evolution! Pragmatically, this exploration complements my trigger-identification mission. Win-win!
With all the equipment I have been handed by about 13.7 billion (Δ 200 mill) years of evolutionary choices, in this collection, I focus on visualizing everything that lies outside my scope of influence and the sticky tissue that connects my composite self with it.
There is a strong emphasis on nature's visual patterns and auditing their balance sheet within their relative locality. The input in the collection mainly comes from the five senses and peripheral sixth. Living in four distinct seasons driven by the interactions of electromagnetic and gravitational fields is a charming, creative experience, even if it wreaks havoc on my health. The colors, life forms, fragrances, temperatures, food, and sounds change frequencies dramatically. The interaction with the body and mind translates to a bajillion little subconscious behaviors and habits. Creating bandwidth for these in the conscious mind, I observe my surroundings to make sense of my composition, origins, and how I fit into my neighborhood.
Adding historical context, from the Great Oxidation Event, when Eukaryotes ran the show, to the present, where data is the new currency, this collection explores the many evolutionary versions of "nature" surrounding us.
The styles range from botanical art to a mix of Impressionist, Japanese, and Indian art styles. Dip it in the sinfully delectable Color Theory, and the possibilities are endless.